Yeah, it's been another little period where I've been too busy to find and post new content for the site here. I've been trying to wrap up a music commission and finish up some other long-term things that are finally on their respective precipices of completion. That on top of my regular schedule means new content responsibilities here go to the wayside, but I'll definitely try to jam pack a bunch of new content in for the Autumn/Halloween season.
Phantoms Fill The Southern Skies continues to find success. The Great Smoky Mountain Association, as I'm told, has approved it for sale at the venues they have in the Tennessee Smoky Mountain area and that's definitely good news for me. :) I still plan on featuring all the places it is for sale here when I finally get the right time to start getting content filled back up.
Another thing I'll try to start doing is featuring interviews with figures in the paranormal world as I can get in contact with them. This started when I happened to meet David Oman, the current owner of the famous house where Sharon Tate was murdered, in a paranormal Facebook group and asked if I could interview him sometime. I'd have to figure out a system to do that, but that's something I look forward to.
So now if I can just get the right time to do it, new content will be on the way here soon. Thank you!